Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday post

As the first semester of grad school comes to an end, I feel compelled to post something.  Before I start with the nitty gritty, it should be noted that I have recently become the owner of a new kitty.  Name is still a working title, but Kitty Purry and Boo have been prominent forerunners.  She's cute and tiny, almost as cute as good ole Cabbit.

Anyways, 1 more week until I will be back in Oregon for a week, and I am quite excited for that.  Hoping for 3 A's in my classes, but could live with a B or 2 Bs.  It's been a good semester getting used to the program and the area.

While in Portland I will try and visit as many people as possible, but I apologize now if I miss you when I am there.  With so many people to visit in such a short time during the holiday season, time is at a premium.  SO if I miss ya, Happy Holidays.

Take care all, and have a good Holiday season with those you care about.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Birthday appreciation

On this, my natal day, I wish to express my love and appreciation to all of my friends and those I hold dear.  

You all rock.  Although I suppose this means I am getting older, a quarter of my life is over... if I'm lucky.  Debbie Downer... : )

On a side note, my bday eve was spent riding a bus back from Maricopa (3.5 hours away) filled with 30+ high school girls soccer players who stank.  Pulled into Flag at 11:45 pm probably about 15 degrees, maybe colder, and car nearly didn't start.  On the bright side, JV won 7-0, Varsity won 11-0.  Good start to the season.  However, if I get sung to at practice today, I am going to quit.  Ok, maybe not quit, but it is an unhoped for event.

Regards from the snowy icy hamlet at 7000 feet.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Soccer...Where are you...

It has dawned on me how much I really miss competitive soccer, and competitive sports for that matter.  What I once took for granted and was always there is now something I miss dearly.  I was never one that was supremely talented, so I loved the process of getting better and being able to test those improved skills in a competitive environment.  And now, well let's face it, intramural soccer and pickup basketball does not suffice.  Couple that with watching a few of the girls I coach squander their chance to play competitive soccer by not maximizing their potential, and it makes me miss it even more.

However, I am glad I have had my coaching to fall back on as a competitive outlet, and am fortunate to have had the athletic experience I enjoyed.  On a tangental note, let me say that I am extremely proud of the Pacific University Men's soccer team, and all that they have accomplished this year.  Of course, I am slightly jealous of the fact that they accomplished the one thing that myself and others who came before me like Robin and Jer, chased for so long.  But at the same time, I am glad, and I hope, that our influences helped this year's team accomplish winning the conference.  Well done guys, all of Boxer Soccer Alumni are incredibly proud of you guys.

So in summation, Miss soccer, Love coaching, Proud of Pacific.  Back to work.


Friday, November 26, 2010

First Post Folks

Well everyone, I think I have finally caved.  This will be a running document on my escapades here in Flagstaff, AZ. 

To get this off on the right note, let me say that I am enjoying Flagstaff.  While not my ideal situation, it has proven itself to be alright.  School is ok, definitely not as difficult as I had thought.  Being a Teaching Assistant and teaching stats lab to imbeciles (undergrads) is....challenging but good.  Coaching club soccer here in Flag with the U17 girls was good, and now I am coaching the HS team.  Other than the head HS coach being a complete dingbat, it is a fun time, and I do get paid for it, so there's that...

But I do miss my peoples from Oregon, and  cannot wait for the reunion that will ensue December 18-25.  Much do be done.  Back to faking doing homework.  More to come soon as finals week is approaching and I will need distractions.
