Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday post

As the first semester of grad school comes to an end, I feel compelled to post something.  Before I start with the nitty gritty, it should be noted that I have recently become the owner of a new kitty.  Name is still a working title, but Kitty Purry and Boo have been prominent forerunners.  She's cute and tiny, almost as cute as good ole Cabbit.

Anyways, 1 more week until I will be back in Oregon for a week, and I am quite excited for that.  Hoping for 3 A's in my classes, but could live with a B or 2 Bs.  It's been a good semester getting used to the program and the area.

While in Portland I will try and visit as many people as possible, but I apologize now if I miss you when I am there.  With so many people to visit in such a short time during the holiday season, time is at a premium.  SO if I miss ya, Happy Holidays.

Take care all, and have a good Holiday season with those you care about.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Birthday appreciation

On this, my natal day, I wish to express my love and appreciation to all of my friends and those I hold dear.  

You all rock.  Although I suppose this means I am getting older, a quarter of my life is over... if I'm lucky.  Debbie Downer... : )

On a side note, my bday eve was spent riding a bus back from Maricopa (3.5 hours away) filled with 30+ high school girls soccer players who stank.  Pulled into Flag at 11:45 pm probably about 15 degrees, maybe colder, and car nearly didn't start.  On the bright side, JV won 7-0, Varsity won 11-0.  Good start to the season.  However, if I get sung to at practice today, I am going to quit.  Ok, maybe not quit, but it is an unhoped for event.

Regards from the snowy icy hamlet at 7000 feet.
